Working from home is becoming a growing trend, especially in the United States. The number of people who work from home has grown by more than 50 percent since 2005, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

In fact, some estimates suggest that as many as 43 million Americans work from home at least one day per week. And while working from home can be a great way to earn extra money or supplement your income, it can also take some adjustment and planning to make it work effectively.

Here are five tips for getting started:

1) Choose a time and place where you can focus. Working from home doesn't mean being able to do anything you want at any given moment — it means being able to stay focused so that you get important tasks done in a timely manner and don't waste time in between them. Choose a workspace that's quiet and free of distractions; if possible, reserve it for only this purpose so other family members don't feel obligated to stop by whenever they want something from you or need help with something else.

2) Make sure your employer knows what's going on. Many companies have policies about working remotely — check with HR first

You can work from home doing all kinds of different jobs. Some are local and some are long distance. You can make money by working online, such as Blogging, YouTube videos and other online jobs.

If you don't have any experience in the field that you want to work in, then it is best to start with a job that requires little or no experience. Many people start out as assistants, data entry clerks or virtual assistants. This way they can learn the ropes without having to spend years trying to find a job in their chosen field.

The idea behind working from home is that you can get more done without having to commute or waste time on public transportation. If you live in a big city like New York City or Los Angeles where traffic jams are common then this is especially important because it can result in wasted time and frustration for everyone involved including yourself.

Many people who work from home do so because it gives them more free time for themselves or their family members. This is especially true if they have children who need extra care or attention during the day while mom or dad works from home so they can stay focused on their job instead of worrying about what's going on at home when they should be concentrating on getting things done for clients or customers

If you're thinking about working from home, you're not alone. The number of people telecommuting has doubled in the past three years, according to a survey by Staples Advantage.

"The number of people who work at home is growing every year," says Ellen Galinsky, president of the Families and Work Institute and co-author of "Mind in the Making: The Seven Essential Life Skills Every Child Needs" (Crown Publishing Group). "People are more willing to try it."

If you're thinking about working from home, here's what you need to know:

*Get clear on your goals. First, decide whether you want to work for yourself or for someone else. If it's for yourself, there are all kinds of opportunities out there — freelance writing and web development are two common ones — that can help you make money while working from home. You may also be able to earn extra income through side jobs like pet sitting or house cleaning.

*Know what it's like on both sides of the desk. If this is your first time working from home, get an idea of how things operate before making a commitment by asking others who have done it how they manage their time (and if they miss being around other

You may have already heard of the many advantages that working from home has to offer. Working from home can save you time and money, but it also has personal benefits that may not be so obvious.

Benefits of Working From Home

If you work from home, here are some of the benefits you might enjoy:

Save Time and Money

Working from home means being able to save on transportation costs. You also don't have to spend time commuting or finding parking spots when you're running errands during your lunch break. Working from home can save you money on other expenses as well, such as office supplies, business lunches and dry cleaning services. In addition to these direct savings, there are indirect ones as well — for example, working from home allows you to eliminate or reduce your commute time, which can save on wear and tear on your car or help reduce gas consumption. This can add up to big savings over time.
